
Main file for this code. The main code is in select, and the rest is to help with variable name management.


interp_multi_dim(da[, da_out, ...])

Interpolate input DataArray to output DataArray using xESMF.

make_output_ds(longitude, latitude[, locstream])

Given desired interpolated longitude and latitude, return points as Dataset.

sel2d(var[, mask, use_xoak, return_info])

Find the value of the var at closest location to inputs, optionally respecting mask.

sel2dcf(var[, mask, return_info])

Find nearest value(s) on 2D horizontal grid using cf-xarray names.

selZ(var, depths)

Select nearest point in depth.

select(da[, longitude, latitude, T, Z, iT, ...])

Extract output from da at location(s).